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We are recognized leaders in collaborative practice, excellence in nursing education and advancing health.


We learn collaboratively in a global environment of shared governance and scholarship.

We anticipate and respond to changing nursing roles, population and health system needs through innovative, interprofessional practice and community partnerships.

We collaborate in discovery, integration, application and dissemination of knowledge to advance nursing practice in innovative ways.

We are responsible and accountable professionals who advance health care, nursing science and practice, through a commitment to lifelong learning, advocacy, research, education and leadership.

Child Care




We advance high standards of ethical practice and decisions are based on sound evidence, professional values, good character and the responsibility to safely care for others.


Our treatment of and interactions with each other and clients are principled and dignified. We demonstrate respect through honest and consistent actions.


We are diverse people from different cultures, heritages, life experiences and perspectives. Our diversity enriches our learning community and provides for the voices of all to be considered in decision making.


We foster a community in which new ideas can emerge and create positive and innovative approaches, solutions and actions.


We illuminate socially relevant issues and employ our expertise to work with and for students, clients, families and the global community to advocate for health and educational services for all. The knowledge we generate and disseminate aligns with social and professional responsibilities.