The Best of Two Worlds
The Saskatchewan Collaborative Bachelor of Science in Nursing (SCBScN) and Collaborative Nurse Practitioner program are offered jointly by the University of Regina and the Saskatchewan Polytechnic.
Upon receiving your undergraduate or graduate degree, you will have the knowledge and skills to become leaders and valuable members of interprofessional health care teams.
The SCBScN program is accredited by the Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing (CASN).

About Saskatchewan Polytechnic
Saskatchewan Polytechnic brings significant experience in the delivery of quality nursing education to the SCBScN and CNPP partnership.
Nursing faculty are experienced in delivering a range of programming, including baccalaureate education and advanced education for registered nurses (RNs). By teaching in both classroom and clinical practice settings, faculty help students link theory with practice. The Leslie and Irene Dubé School of Nursing also is a leader in reaching students where they live through distance delivery modalities using technological innovations.
Saskatchewan Polytechnic’s state-of-the-art simulation learning centres (SLC), featuring computerized mannequins that mimic real patient conditions, enable nursing students to practice clinical procedures and develop critical thinking skills. More than 120 different scenarios, from heart attacks to allergic reactions, can be replicated in the labs.

About the University of Regina
The Faculty of Nursing is committed to excellence in nursing education, research, and scholarship. We are working together to build a nursing community that provides exceptional learning environments, while honouring the interconnectedness of nursing, health, the person, and the environment.
Our curriculum and teaching practices merge scientific, theoretical, and traditional knowledge side-by-side with applied practice. Nursing experts, at the University of Regina, have been advancing and delivering solutions to unsolvable challenges, shaping policy and practice, improving quality of care delivery, and engaging communities to promote health and well-being since our inception in 2010.
Nursing at the University of Regina is where lines between classroom and career begin to blur, where you’ll grow from a student into a leader, and where you’ll learn to make a difference for patients, their families, and communities. You are poised to make a powerful impact by lasting contributions to the health and well-being of your communities and beyond.
Benefits of Choosing a Collaborate Program
Practical Learning
All programming is offered with both student and patient-centred approaches. Practical and real world opportunities are woven throughout every course.
Double the Support & Resources
Students are both Sask Polytech and U of R students, and can access learning resources and supports from both institutions.
Online Program (CNPP)
The CNPP is offered online asynchronously so you can stay in your home community.
Deans’ Message
We are delighted to welcome you to explore the nursing education programs offered through the collaboration between the University of Regina and Saskatchewan Polytechnic. Whether you aspire to become a registered nurse or a nurse practitioner, our website provides valuable information to guide you on your journey.
Our undergraduate program offers multiple entry points and completion pathways. Whether you have just graduated from high school, completed some university courses, or already hold a degree, we have an admission pathway tailored for you. If you are already part of our nursing community as an LPN, RN, RPN, or NP, we recognize the overlap in nursing practice scopes and have designed admission pathways that acknowledge your discipline’s practice standards and competencies. Additionally, for those interested in bilingual education, we offer undergraduate programs in both French and English.
Our programs are provincially approved by the College of Registered Nurses of Saskatchewan and nationally accredited by the Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing. Primarily delivered in Saskatoon and Regina, our programs are expanding to other locations, providing more opportunities for learning.
With the combined teaching, clinical, and research expertise of our collaborative faculty and the comprehensive academic support from both institutions, we have a proven track record of student success. Our graduates boast a first-time pass rate of over 90% on the NCLEX-RN exam, and 91% of CNPP program graduates have successfully passed the nurse practitioner national exam.
In our collaborative environment, the lines between classroom and career blur. You will grow from a student into a leader, making a difference for patients, their families, and communities—today, tomorrow, and every day in your nursing roles. You will experience the real world of healthcare firsthand and master it. You are poised to make a powerful impact, contributing to the health and well-being of your communities and beyond.
We wish you every success in your academic and professional journey.
Nous sommes ravis de vous accueillir pour vous faire découvrir les programmes de formation en soins infirmiers offerts dans le cadre de la collaboration entre l’Université de Regina et Saskatchewan Polytechnic (école polytechnique de la Saskatchewan). Que vous souhaitiez devenir infirmière diplômée/infirmier diplômé ou infirmière praticienne/infirmier praticien, notre site web vous fournit des informations précieuses pour vous guider dans votre parcours.
Notre programme de premier cycle offre de multiples points d’entrée et voies d’achèvement. Que vous veniez d’obtenir votre diplôme d’études secondaires, que vous ayez suivi quelques cours à l’université ou que vous soyez déjà titulaire d’un diplôme, nous avons un parcours d’admission adapté à vos besoins. Si vous faites déjà partie de notre communauté en tant qu’infirmière auxiliaire autorisée/infirmier auxiliaire autorisé, infirmière autorisée/infirmier autorisé, infirmière en pratique avancée/infirmier en pratique avancée ou infirmière praticienne/infirmier praticien, nous reconnaissons le chevauchement des champs d’application de la pratique infirmière et avons conçu des voies d’admission qui reconnaissent les normes de pratique et les compétences de votre discipline. De plus, pour celles et ceux qui sont intéressés par une éducation bilingue, nous offrons des programmes de premier cycle en français et en anglais.
Nos programmes sont approuvés au palier provincial par le College of Registered Nurses of Saskatchewan et accrédités au palier national par l’Association canadienne des écoles de sciences infirmières. Principalement dispensés à Saskatoon et à Regina, nos programmes sont en voie d’expansion à d’autres endroits, offrant ainsi davantage de possibilités d’apprentissage.
Grâce à l’expertise combinée en matière d’enseignement, de pratique clinique et de recherche de notre faculté collaborative et au soutien académique complet des deux institutions, nous avons fait la preuve de la réussite de nos étudiantes et étudiants. Nos diplômés affichent un taux de réussite de plus de 90 % à l’examen d’infirmière autorisée/d’infirmier autorisé du NCLEX (National Council Licensure Examination), et 91 % des diplômés du programme CNPP (Collaborative Nurse Practitioner Program) ont réussi l’examen national d’infirmière praticienne/d’infirmier praticien.
Dans notre environnement collaboratif, les lignes entre la salle de classe et la carrière s’estompent. Vous passerez du statut d’étudiante/d’étudiant à celui de leader qui agit concrètement pour les patients, leurs familles et les communautés – aujourd’hui, demain et chaque jour – dans vos fonctions d’infirmière/d’infirmier. Vous ferez l’expérience directe du monde réel des soins de santé et le maîtriserez. Vous serez prêtes/prêts à avoir un impact puissant, en contribuant à la santé et au bien-être de vos communautés et au-delà.
Nous vous souhaitons beaucoup de succès dans votre parcours universitaire et professionnel.
Cheryl Pollard, RPN, RN, ANEF, PhD
Dean, Faculty of Nursing
University of Regina
Christa MacLean, RN, BScN, MN
Dean, Faculty of Nursing, Health Sciences and Community Services
Saskatchewan Polytechnic